Our dearest William is turning 18 years old! Can you believe it? Our kitty has pretty much traveled the world at this point. He has had health issues these last few years, but as you can see he is looking pretty good these days! He is certainly using his old age to his advantage- he meows to be lifted on the couch, meows to be lifted onto our laps, meows to eat, meows to be lifted onto the bed....and lately to even go up or down the stairs. Of course, if we aren't around he manages to get up and down the stairs, and even onto the bed (which is high) just fine on his own!
I do cater to his whims- he's earned it. And at 18 years old, who am I to deny him anything? He still gets his digs in with Mike- it is Mike's side of the bed he goes to for

a lift up- even if I am still awake and he is on my side of the room...he goes over to Mike's side to meow. I usually start laughing when he does this, so I am never sure

if it is me laughing or Willie meowing which wakes Mike up (bless his heart, Mike's a good sport about it even at 3 am!)
You'll notice from the pictures- Willie takes full advantage of Mike sitting still for any length of time. (and as I am writing this, Willie is laying in my lap after meowing at me until I picked him up). I'm over choosing to overlook the fact that he is shedding all over my keyboard as I type....
So Happy Birthday William!
We love ya, Kitty Cat.
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