David just finished his Social Studies project for the unit on the Ancient Greeks and the Spartans. That was right up David's alley! For the project they had to choose two items to make- shield, spear, sword, armor....David chose to make a shield and a spear.
The spear was a good 7 feet tall and he made it out of an old rusty pole. When he was done with it, we opted to take it in after school. I didn't think it was a good thing for him to be carrying it around school with kids there!
The shield was made out of foam board. David wanted to add tacks around the edge so he had to add another layer of cardboard on the back- the tacks were so long they stuck through the foam board...little bit of a hazard! I helped sketch out the loin for him.
All in all, I think his projects turned out pretty darn well- Great Job David!
Wow! Those turned out great!