We had a close encounter up here on the hill....a close encounter with a very large helicopter! We heard the racket and went out to take a look. Half the neighborhood also came out. Hoovering close by was a very large helicopter- I won't guess as to what kind of helicopter it was (I am sure many of you know, but not me!).
It hoovered in one spot for several minutes then moved over so it was directly over the middle of housing hoovered some more. No clue as to

why it was so low over a housing area since it was not a medical helicopter landing at the hospital. In all, it hung out for close to 10 minutes.

The Helicopters brought back memories of when the helicopters flew through Tierrasanta while we lived in San Diego- we had them come over hous

ing when they were looking for lost children or looking for fugitives. When we lived El Cajon, the helicopters came through spraying for some type of bug...it's been so long I've forgotten exactly what it was for. I remember everyone covering their cars so the stuff wouldn't get all over it- and of course we had to be inside when they were spraying. It was pretty eerie, especially since they did it at night (lots of noise and lights).
Anyway, the helicopters on the hill added a bit of excitement to our day!
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