Matt's wrestling season has wrapped up- here are a few photos from his Wrestling Banquet, which was tonight. Can you believe how grown up he looks?? I sure can't. Coach Chumley is on the left, Coach Bobby on the right. Great pair of coaches. Matt received his Varsity letter for wrestling, which he was very excited about. Now he is really going to be bugging us about that Letterman's Jacket to put it on!
The banquet was held at the Globe and Anchor and was very nice. All the wrestlers were asked to wear slacks and ties- and they did! They all looked so handsome. Matt had to go buy slacks AND Dress shoes- he didn't have any...which is amazing considering how many clothes/shoes that child has. He actually went shopping at the BX by himself- and found a great pair of slacks on sale for only $10 and a pair of dress shoes marked down to $10- that's my boy! Scary when your child is actually clothes shopping without you (although he has much better taste then I do, fashion challenged that I am!)
Until I looked at this photo, I really did not realize how much taller Matt had gotten...Mike is looking downright short these days. (You have to overlook David's hair...he had come straight from football practice and had "Helmet Hair")

David's football season is in full swing- they've had two games now. Sunday I did the team photos- here is David's.
I 'm the official photographer for the Okinawa Youth Football League (doesn't that sound glorified?? LOL!) and it is keeping me busy (as if the wrestling photos weren't!).
I promise I will get caught up on the blog- it will just be a little while before I do. This weekend the boys are camping up at Torii Station for the Boy Scout Jamborette. The Jamborette will be both American Scouts as well as Japanese scouts. Should be fun! Mike is going too. I am not camping over, but will be driving them up Friday night, visiting on Saturday, then picking them up before heading to football in Sunday.
More to come:
Mike and I's Day of Play
Far East Wrestling
David's First Football Game
David's Second Football Game
You are ONE, BUSY LADY - no wonder you're in great shape. :) The pictures of the boys look great and you have much to be proud of - you're boys are very nice. Even if they like to tease their mother. Ha!