As the day was drawing to a close, we finally decided to head for home. Little did we realize that half of Okinawa must have decided the same thing at the same time. We got into Nago and sat in traffic...seemingly forever! Felt like we were back in downtown LA on the 405 or coming through Seattle at 5pm. After I thought about it, it made sense...there were several festivals up in that area of Okinawa and Sunday night is apparently a heavy traffic time anyway. Traffic finally cleared up after the turn off for the Express Way- whoo hoo! open road ahead!
On the plus side, the fast approaching sunset promised to be a beautiful one. I debated pulling over but had pretty much decided just to push on for home as it would be too hard to pull off (if you live here you realize what I mean- not always easy to find somewhere to stop). Just as I made up my mind, fortune smiled on me (and frowned on the boys...well, Matt at least!)- I was stopped in tra

David and I spent a wonderful 20 minutes playing at the water's edge watching

David found this neat "Heart Rock". We brought it home to put in our Shell Garden (next to our walkway we have part of the flowerbed filled with sand and this is where we put our sea shells, sea glass and interesting rocks we find).

The sun had set and our wandering was done for the day. Next stop- home and dinner!
These are so beautiful, Kelly ... you should blow them up and hang 'em on a wall.