November 22, 2008
Today we went to Forest Adventure Park- WHAT A BLAST!!
For those of you locally who have not yet tired Forest Adventure- YOU HAVE TO GO!! We had soooo much fun...even me, who is NOT thrilled about jumping off of things.
So, those of you who aren't on Okinawa, are asking yourself, "What is Forest Adventure Land"?
Well, it is pretty much just what it says...an Adventure (with a capital "A"), in a forest. This Adventure involves an outdoor park full of zip lines, rope bridges, a Tarzan swing, hiking paths...all kinds of fun stuff! It is located only about 20-25 minutes from our house, near Maeda Point (where we did our qualifying dives).
You check in at a small office right across the street from the beach at Maeda Port. This is where you pay and sign all the waivers- and your last chance at an "American" restroom. From there they load you up in their shuttle vans and drive you up to the actual park.

Now, I must say, this was the first adventure! After turning off the main road, we went off through the sugar cane fields....and these drivers were flying along these narrow twisty roads like you could not believe! With the 7 foot high sugar cane along the roads and hairpin turns, you could not see anything. I think the drivers know where the other drivers were so they could fly up with no regard for oncoming traffic. Didn't really feel unsafe... but visions of "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" come to mind... Drivers were very nice- we where running back to our van to grab a few things, and the van chased us down to drive us there and back. Very sweet...and after realizing how far away the lot where Mike had to park, I was glad for the ride!

We were dropped off (pretty much in the middle of a field of sugar cane and pineapple plants in the middle of no where) and followed the signs to "Wipe Out Lodge".

Mike clipping on both clips. The first one to go on is the larger blue one. This is the one which actually slides along the cable. The second, red one, is the safety line. It is clipped on to something at all times- even while climbing the ladders or nets. The clips go on in opposite direction- just in case you grab them, you would only open one clip, not them both (but you are never supposed to touch the clips once they are on, or cables- for obvious reasons.

Let's see...which clip comes off first?? Oh yeah, the red safety clip! Safety First...
As soon as the guide saw we know how to do everything, we were free to go! The first zip line is a nice long one- right over a forest ravine! Matt was the first to go through his safety check so he was off and Zipping first.

These net bridges were fun- and very bounc

Here goes David- right through the tree tops!
Amazing feeling to be gliding (zipping) over the tress across the jungle. That amazing feeling lasts until you get about 2/3's of the way across and you start worrying about landing...

Getting to the start of the zip lines there are wooden ladders, cargo nets, or peg ladders to climb.

Some of the zip lines were right next to one another- others were a bit of a hike. Here Mike is hoofing it to catch up to the rest of the group.

The start of it is the "Tarzan Swing"...this was the one I was dreading! You climb a couple ladders to get to the top of a very tall platform. After clipping in and grabbing hold...you launch yourself off the platform, free fall until the line catches and swings you into a huge cargo net. I am NOT a fan of jumping off of things...or even climbing down. I will go up anything...it's the coming Down that always gets me! So here I am standing at the top of a VERY tall tower on a small platform...nowhere to go but down. Hummm...the thought of climbing back down the ladder crossed my mind...but with a herd of Boy Scouts cheering me on I said a quick prayer and stepped off. I'm not sure if I was screaming out loud, but I was certainly screaming on the inside! It is over amazingly quickly- and is incredibly fun! The first second of free fall is terrifying- but it is over so quickly you ALMOST forget about it. Although I loved it, I'm not sure it will be any easier to do again!


Mike, David and I all actually bounced off the net when we hit. Mike was able to keep his feet hooked. David and I had to swing back into the net.

Here is Matt hanging out- watching and laughing at us during the Tarzan Swing. I have few pictures of him since I went off with the rest of the scouts and we didn't see much of him. Only zip line we were able to watch him do was the very

The rings were tough too- took a lot of control so the rings didn't flip all over.
This bridge was harder than it looked. Each time you stepped, the step swung forward, making for a long reach. Not too bad after you get the hang of it.

Here is David contemplating his pending departure on the zip line.

This is the last zip line on the course. I took this photo as I was zipping down- Mike is standing on the platform watching and waiting for his turn.

This is a park that actually has an obstacle course thru a jungle! It is high adventure and not for the weak at heart! You begin at the main office where you are transported via a shuttle bus up to the jungle. This is also the last place for a "western style" toilet, after that it is just "squattie potties". Once you get to the base of the jungle you begin the walk up to the base camp. You will have a guide with you! They have english speaking guides, Yvonne was incredible!!! Once at the base camp you can use a small locker to lock up any items you do not want to loose in the jungle.