While we were on Kokusai Steet for the Shuri Castle Festival Parade we ended up at Charlie's Tacos for lunch.
We were all getting hungry - it was after 2 o'clock and we hadn't had lunch yet. I pointed out a few local places to try, but the boys wanted "American Food". (Fuddy-duddies that they are!)
Just as we turned to head back I saw the sign for "Charlie's Tacos". I had heard somewhere that they were good, so I made the command decision to give "Charlie's" a try. Sounded much better than waiting another hour or so to eat.
This little guy here sits next to the cash register- I thought he was cute!
Read the banner carefully- notice the spelling? We get a kick out of the spelling and grammar here. Even on our cell phones- when you enter a number and hit send, the screen reads "Dailling"...with two l's. Cracks me up every time!
The staff was very nice and explained (with mostly hand signs) that we should take a menu and have a seat, then place our order up at the cash register. We decided to try the three taco combo (chicken, beef and tuna) and the platter with two tacos and taco rice.
There was a small table along the side of the restaurant where you picked up your own basket of silverware and could serve yourself water (plain or with lemon). We barely had time to get ourselves water before the waitress arrived with the food- definitely FAST service!
We dug right in and everything was fantastic. Mike and I shared the Tuna Taco (extemely good) and the taco rice (which I really enjoyed)
We got a small taste of the chicken tacos before the boys inhaled them- I didn't even get a close look at the beef tacos- they were gone too fast.
Matt's only questi
We would definitely go back to Charlie's.

Yummy! Portion control ... I think the Japanese have this mastered! If only we could do the same when we cook for ourselves! Would be fun to spend a couple days down there just taste testing different places. There's a really good Vietnamese place ... "Dao" ... something like that ... sooo good!