October 22, 2008

A Trip to Jusco

Today the boys didn't have TOO much homework so we made a jaunt to Jusco. The best way I can describe Jusco would be a jumbo sized (3 story) Fred Meyers and mini mall combined. It has a grocery store, bakery, donut shop. Starbucks, separate specialty clothing stores, sit down restaurants, food court (complete with McDonalds!)....the list goes on! The last time I was there they were even having cooking demonstrations. You can spend hours there...even just for "people watching" fun.

Jusco is right down the street from us here in Chatan Town. The food department/bakery are favorite areas- so many interesting things...many of which I have no idea what they are! Did you know they have several different kinds of SPAM here? Garlic SPAM, Spicy SPAM, Tabasco SPAM, Turkey SPAM....don't remember if there was any others. Only kind I didn't see was regular ol' SPAM...

The bakery has lots of interesting items. We have been having "Tasting Days" to find out what things are (since we can't read the signs!). Some things are scrumptious, some so-so....and others, well I guess maybe you have to develop a taste for it!

We had to try some of the baked goods (it probably was NOT a good idea to go in there hungry! The Japanese donuts are a bit different than what we are used to- some we like, others not so much! The chocolate old-fashioned was okay but a bit hard. The big road "ball donut" was very tasty- I wasn't sure I liked it on first bite, but then loved it! Slightly chewy. The twist donut is closest to an "American donut" we have found- it is lightly covered with cinnamon and sugar and is YUMMY!! The big pale green pastry was...interesting. David didn't like it at all, Matt and I thought it was okay, but probably not something we would get again. It had a melon filing- something close to Honeydew Melon (which I don't care for, so probably why I wasn't thrilled with this one)

On Wednesday's Jusco has "99 Yen" day. They have different produce on sale for special prices (not always 99 Yen, but close).

Today we bought some mushrooms (the mushrooms are very different than American mushrooms), cherry tomatoes, and local leaf lettuce (lettuce at the commissary is very costly- and not very good. A leaf lettuce can run over $4 a bunch).

We also found some bananas we just HAD to buy- they are just like the DOLE bananas, but half the size! (Perfect 1 pt. value for Weight Watchers!).

More on Jusco another day...


  1. Hi Kelly!
    Just wanted to say - again - how beautiful your pictures are! Your blog looks fantastic.

    I like the idea of the tasting days. There are so many places to eat here - think you could try one a day for the next 3 years and still not have tried them all!

  2. Those small bananas are called apple bananas in Hawaii. They are good, aren't they?

    Hawaii also has the multitude of spam versions. Try them - they are actually very good!
