October 21, 2008

Shishimai Fest

On Sunday the boys and I ventured to Uruma City for the Shishimai Fest and the 23rd Nationwide Shi Shi Dance Festival. The festival started at 6 pm- we have noticed a lot of the festivals here in Okinawa start late in the day or early evening- and a lot of them take place on Sundays. We actually found the Ishikawa Sports park in Uruma City rather easily- and even found parking close by. They had massive blue tarps spread out and nailed down on the ground for people to sit on. Of course, everyone took off their shoes before stepping onto the tarps. There were shoes lined up all around the edges. After a lengthy introduction (of which we understood only "Konban Wa" - good evening and "Arigoto"- Thank you) the dancing started.

The first act was fantastic and lived up to the article which described the Shi Shi dances as "colorful and Fast-paced, dancers moving to the heavy beat of taiko drums. The swirling and dancing invites lucky gods to come into the dance area, granting good harvests, happiness and prosperity." After that, things slowed WAAYYYY down. The next 15 minutes was almost painful to watch, with the the single Shi Shi lion on stage doing little more than shuffling a half a step at a time and clacking its jaws with every step. The boys were begging to leave and after the group of elderly Okinawian ladies came on stage and began a fan dance to another elderly lady sitting and singing (and I use that term loosely!!) I took pity on the poor guys and we left. After all it was getting late on a school night...and their pleading was rather convincing! It was a very interesting experience, and one I would have rather stayed longer and enjoyed...may next year

This was the first group to perform. The drummers were incredible- so much energy. Some of them were quite young- maybe 10 or 12.

After the performance, the Shishi dogs came out into the audience and "gobbled" up people. Everyone got a kick out of that- especially the younger kids who ran screaming and laughing.

This little guy (girl??) was a huge hit! Adorable.

This is where the older ladies came out and we finally left.

This was along the side of the park. A lot of kids were playing in the water and leaping from low stone to low stone.
Very peaceful area with the water and tall forms of the stones.

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