Today, December 30, we went Ice Skating at Southern Hills Skating Rink (this is the only ice skating rink on Okinawa). This was yet another trip we won through the Schilling Center (gotta love it!).

We meet at the Schilling Center at 10:15 and by 10:30AM we were on the road comfortably ensconced in a full sized bus. We all took advantage of the very relaxing 30 minute drive to do a bit reading.

Opening the doors into the rink itself, we were hit with a blast of frigid air- ahhh! Pure heaven! It was actually COLD...and it felt oh, so very good! Even before hitting the ice, we decided it was worth the trip just to sit in the blessedly cold air. Oh, the simple delights when you live in a tropical paradise.
You are required to wear gloves while on the ice- and we didn't mind since it was cold. We even kep

Even though Matt had never ice skated before, he picked it right up.
David took a bit longer, but he was the one we had to drag out- he didn't want to leave.

They had one break while we were there- a short time out while they ran the Zamboni over the ice. It was neat to watch the ice go

I had not ice skated since...oh, I think I was about 7 years old. I went with my sister and the family across the street (Kim and Nina- Lauri's best friend)...and all I really remember about the trip was that my fingers got slammed in the door as we were leaving to go skate. Ouch!
This time went much better! Although my guys spent a lot of time laughing at me. I decided to teach myself to skate backwards...every time Matt skated by me he would just shake his head "Mom, just give it up!". However, by the time we left, I did manage to skate all the way around the rink backwards...it wasn't fast and it certainly wasn't pretty....but I did it! (and had a few good laughs at myself along the way)
The boys discovered "Green Fanta" in the soda machines- they loved that! The soda ma

This building (church?) sits across the street and above the skating rink. I liked the look of it- especially the retaining wall, which looks like it has melted and buckled.
Not sure what to think of this cigarette "butt can"...."Good smoking?"- what is THAT supposed to me

Come June or July, when the heat has become just too much for us, we plan on escaping back to the ice skating rink- even if we just pay the 200 Yen spectator fee and sit in the cold. Humm...wonder if you can buy a season pass???
Yeah!! That's wonderful... I love ice skating and have nice skates which got from Dicks Sporting Goods...