February 4, 2009

A Day of Wandering with the Boys- part 2

Manzamo Point

Our next stop along the way was a surprise find. Matt had asked to stop at the next restroom so I was on the lookout for somewhere to stop. My first attempt of finding a beach (and hopefully a restroom) was short lived- there was a locked gate right off the road.

The next sign I saw looked promising- big white sign with blue Japanese writing. I saw something "Point", threw on the blinker and took the turn. The parking area was just a bit down the road and as we pulled in we were amazed to see Tour buses even! There were vendors on either side of the parking area, wonderful bathrooms, and soda machines (of course!). The twist to these soda machines- one of them sold BEER! Can you imagine a Beer vending machine just out in a parking lot in the States? Don't think so! David wanted to know if he could buy one- "just because". (we didn't)

We wandered through the vendors and discovered some wonderfully tasteful donuts (not sure WHAT they actually were, but we'll go with donuts). They were so good (and fresh and hot) that we bought two, then bought two more on our way out. Here is Matt telling the vendors which ones we want (they had three different flavors- all yummy)

After going through the parking lot a trail lead out into an open area then along some bluffs. The view was amazing! There was a stiff breeze coming off the water which put a chill in the air, but it was magnificent.

The blue of the water was so vivid.

As the trail wound a bit north and made a loop (the whole trail is probably only a 1/4 mile or less) you could see the coast to the north (where we were heading to the aquarium).

As it turned back towards the parking lot you could look into this cove. From what I can tell from the map, it is looking towards Onna Village.I don't know what the purpose of the rope between the two rocks- but I loved it!Our own little blue bird of happiness...

We checked out the vendors of the other side of the parking lot as we came back. Same exact stuff that the other vendors tents had! The thing that struck me as odd was that it appeared to be lots of individual vendors...but each one sold almost exactly the same things...arranged in exactly the same manner. A group of three Okinawian ladies visited with us. They commented (using broken English and lots of sign language) on how big Matt's shoulders were and how big and strong he looked. They asked if he did weight lifting. We told him "Yes, a little, but he wrestles right now." The weren't sure about the "wrestling" part until we mimed the wrestling stance "Oh, Hai!!" Sounds funny, but what comes to mind to describe them is "they were twittering like little birds", smiling and nodding. Matt was horribly embarrassed to be the center of such attention.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful pictures! I love the story about Matt ... I'm sure he loved the attention deep down. :) And the beer vending machine ... that's definitely something you wouldn't see in the states!
