Rock, Paper, Scissors!
I have to say, the Japanese know how to make just about anything fun! While checking out at Jusco (our local department store), David and I saw this candy machine next to the register. We couldn't resist! It is always fun trying to figure out the directions (no English).
After putting in our 100 Yen coin the lights started flashing and music and bells going. David pushed the buttons in front deciding whether he wanted to be Rock, Paper or Scissors. The circle on the front of the machine flashed the three choices in rapid succession. As soon as David pushed his choice, the machine locked on to it's choice. The first round was a tie, so they went again. David's Paper lost to the game's Scissors. Is it weird that it was a bit exciting to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with a machine??
We weren't sure if you had to win in order to pick your candy, but David still got to choose his Hai Chews (have no idea how you spell the name of these candies, but we call them Hai Chews)! EIGHT different flavors to choose from including Cola, Sparkling Soda, Grape, Strawberry and Peach. David picked Peach- Yum! Those are the candies stacked up in the machine- they rotate around and you push the button for whatever flavor you want: 1-8. When it gets back around to your choice, it drops it down into the shoot.
Fun! (But next time I get to play!)