Well, so much for my New Year's Resolution of posting on the blog more often!
Never seems to be enough hours in the day and facebook is SO much faster for me to post...
But I miss posting to the blog so I am renewing my resolution to post more often- to not fuss with picture placement and perfecting things and just get it done!
David and I went to Gate 2 Street the other day. We parked on base and walked down to the music store- David wanted to look at Guitars and tuners.

Along the way we stopped at the soda machines (of course!). I had to try something different- so opted for this one since I loved the look of the can! Since most of the names are in Kanji, it is often a mystery as to what you are getting. This one was tea- rather strong tea. Not bad once you got used to the taste- although David took one swig, made a face and gave it to me. He thought it might be beer since it was by ORION (the big beer brewery here) and was disappointed it was just tea.