I drug the boys out to take some pictures the other day. They were less then willing...the high humidity and empty stomachs were not the best combination.
Regardless, it at least gave me a chance to try out a new place to play around.

I liked the wooden background here. Notice how sweaty David is- you can see the sweat beaded all over his face!

Okay- the story behind the picture.... As we left the car to wander around David took the Burger King cup with him to throw away. We quickly realized there was no trash cans in the area so i suggested to David that he take the cup back to the car. He declined- even though the car was only about 50 yards away. Well, no skin off my nose...if he wanted to carry it around, so be it! So he carries this cup all over the place. At the final area (with the cool rock arches) he had set the cup down. As we were leaving I happened to notice and sent him back to get it. He went back down to the beach, retrieved the cup and came back to where Matt and I were waiting. When he got to the fence, he tossed the cup over and climbed over. Just as his feet hit the ground the wind kicks up and starts blowing the cup...right back through the fence. Matt and I cracked up!! It was just too perfect. David just stood there for a long moment "You have got to be kidding me.". So back over the fence...the look on his face says it all!

I was the first down the roller slide. Not one of the fastest ones we have gone on...not to mention stopping midway down.
Here Matt is sad- he just stopped going. My standing at the bottom with the camera wasn't encouraging him to come down. The other photo- he just looks so tall and grown up! (as he is waiting to harass David as he comes down)

David was really a sitting duck here...
Better go faster David, Matt is going for the ball!