This last Saturday we finally had a chance to go out and cruise around. Matt had a car wash for track in the morning so we got a late start. By the time we stopped at the bazaar on base, picked him up, went to the PX, and had lunch (at the A&W on base) it was well after 3pm. We just headed out with vague ideas of heading to Naha.
About 15 minutes south of us, there is a HUGE A&W. One of the old fashion A&W's you rarely see in the states anymore- they have where you can park and order the food and they will bring it out on trays which hook to your open window (remember that?). Anyway, this A&W is huge with a large play area and tons of outside tables. As we drove by on Saturday we notices they were mobbed with people- on a closer look we realized they were having a flea market. We stopped nearby at an outdoor store, only to realize they were closed for remodeling. Since it was a short

It was interesting to see the local flea market items...and to realize the stuff was about the same as you would see in any American flea market. Lots of clothes, stuffed animals and toys. (in the picture you can see the two little girls playing in the tote- they were so cute! I took the shot on the sly- not even lifting up the camera) I was surprised that most of the prices were so cheap- I had heard the local FM stuff was expensive. David found a cool silver necklace for 100Yen (that made is day!), Matt bought a shirt and tie for 300 Yen (right now the exchange rate is about 100Y=$1.00) and we found a "baby" (stuffed animal) for Ty for only 10Y. We had trouble with the last one- David asked how much the m

A fun and unexpected stop.